J Carpenter Enviornmental, LLC supplies products, equipment, and expertise for all environmental remediation applications. We can help with heavy metal stabilization, In Situ remediation, soil stabilization, liners, and oxidation reagents. Give us a call to discuss your project today.

Remediation Products
J Carpenter Environmental, LLC is the exclusive distributor of TDJ's Bantox® and Blastox® products for heavy metal stabilization in foundries and remediation applications. The products are used to reduce leachable heavy metals in waste so that the waste can be disposed of as non-hazardous. Bantox® and Blastox® are based on complex calcium silicate chemistry with additions of other proprietary additives that enhance the stabilization reaction.
J Carpenter Environmental, LLC sells activated carbon products. JCE clients use powdered activated carbon to remove dioxins and furans, which are formed during the cooling of the flue gases. Powdered Activated Carbon is also effective in capturing mercury in flue gases.